Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You’ll remember that last week the “Max Baucus” health reform bill moved from a Senate subcommittee to the full Senate Finance Committee. This week, debate has continued in that committee about the many amendments that have been offered for the bill.

Yesterday saw the defeat of two amendments to add a public option to the bill, one offered by John D. Rockefeller (D, WV), and the other by Charles Schumer (D, NY). Remember that a public option would offer people who do not have employer health benefits the choice between buying private insurance or buying government operated health insurance.

Of the two amendments, the Rockefeller amendment was more “robust,” in terms of strong competition to insurance companies. It would have paid providers the same rates as Medicare, plus a bonus for those providers already seeing Medicare patients. The Schumer amendment was more of a compromise, offering a public option, but not allowing the government to set rates. Instead, rates would have to be negotiated with providers, just as private insurance companies now do. The Schumer plan would not have had as much power as the Rockefeller plan to keep insurance rates low.

Despite the 13 to 9 vote majority of Democrats on the Finance Committee, neither amendment passed. Once again, the conservative Democrats on the committee are responsible. True, every single one of the Republicans voted against the amendments, but that is to be expected in this super-partisan climate.

Baucus himself voted nay, citing his need to present a bill that would pass the whole Senate.

Just in case you’re interested, here are the Senate Finance Committee members and how they voted. Those who voted against both amendments are in colored print. Those who voted only against the Rockefeller amendment are in red. As you can see, two Democrats voted for the Schumer amendment who did not vote for the Rockefeller amendment.  Some see this as a hopeful sign that perhaps there is room to move some votes. To that end, phone numbers are included below.


1. MAX BAUCUS, MT    Phone: 202-224-2651  Toll Free: 800-332-6106
2. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, WV   Phone: 202-224-6472
3. KENT CONRAD, ND   Phone: 202-224-2043 Toll Free: 800-223-4457
4. JEFF BINGAMAN, NM   Phone: 202-224-5521 Toll Free: 800-443-8658 (NM only)
5. JOHN F. KERRY, MA     Phone: 202-224-2742
6. BLANCHE L. LINCOLN, AR   Phone: 202-224-4843
7. RON WYDEN, OR   Phone: 202-224-5244
8. CHARLES E. SCHUMER, NY   Phone: 202-224-6542
9. DEBBIE STABENOW, MI    Phone: 202-224-4822
10. MARIA CANTWELL, WA   Phone: 202-224-3441
11. BILL NELSON, FL   Phone: 202-224-5274
12. ROBERT MENENDEZ, NJ    Phone: 202-224-4744
13. THOMAS CARPER, DE    Phone: 202-224-2441

1. CHUCK GRASSLEY, IA   Phone: 202-224-3744
2. ORRIN G. HATCH, UT   Phone: 202-224-5251
3. OLYMPIA J. SNOWE, ME   Phone: 202-224-5344 Toll Free: 800-432-1599
4. JON KYL, AZ   Phone: 202-224-4521
5. JIM BUNNING, KY   Phone: 202-224-4343
6. MIKE CRAPO, ID   Phone: 202-224-6142
7. PAT ROBERTS, KS   Phone: 202-224-4774
8. JOHN ENSIGN, NV   Phone: 202-224-6244
9. MIKE ENZI, WY   Phone: 202-224-3424 Toll Free: 888-250-1879
10. JOHN CORNYN, TX   Phone: 202-224-2934


Cartoon of the day